From Regional to Global Perspectives

2nd BONUS Symposium

An international conference on the environmental impact of shipping and its importance within policy, marine spatial planning and the maritime transport sectors.


Gothenburg, 24-25 October, 2017


Topics addressed

  • Impacts of shipping on air pollution and climate change including impacts on human health and land ecosystems
  • Impacts of shipping on marine pollution and marine ecosystems
  • Impact of shipping on noise pollution - underwater noise and its impacts on marine biota, above-water noise and its impact on human well-being
  • Environment and society-socio-economic valuation of the impacts of shipping, impact of shipping on ecosystem services, shipping and marine spatial planning


Who should attend

  • The Scientific community; researchers and students from atmospheric, marine and climate research, environmental economics, political and social science
  • Environmental and transport agencies
  • Environmental managers from governmental, regional and local organisations
  • The Maritime transport sector


There will be possibility to publish conference contributions in the conference special issue in an open access scientific journal. Submission of the full papers is preliminary planned for the beginning of 2018.


Important dates:

Abstract submission closes: 22 June 2017

Notification of acceptance: 26 August 2017

Registration Early Bird/Student fee closes: 31 August 2017

Registration Regular fee closes: 12 October 2017


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