From Regional to Global Perspectives

Given its importance for the transport of goods on a global scale, there is a growing interest on the sustainability of the shipping industry. It has long been recognised that shipping is a very carbon-efficient transport medium, but there is an increasing focus on its broader environmental consequences.

The BONUS SHEBA project addresses a wide range of environmental impacts of shipping in the Baltic Sea including air pollution, marine pollution, underwater noise and climate change as well as the socio-economic consequences of these impacts.


SOLAS is an international project contributing to Future Earth with the mission statement "linking ocean-atmosphere interactions with climate and people".

In conjunction with BONUS SHEBA’s final meeting and the SOLAS workshop on Ship Plumes the projects jointly organize a conference and invite the scientific community and stakeholders of the maritime sector to two days of presentations of the latest scientific findings, discussions and poster presentations on the topics.

Updated: 2017-05-11

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