Keynote speakers

Keynote POL

James Corbett, University of Delaware, USA

Prof. Corbett has world-leading expertise on technology policy innovation for 21st Century freight systems, with a focus on international shipping and coastal marine policy. Among more than 175 publications, he co-authored three IMO studies on shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions, research that supported regional and global benefits of cleaner marine fuels, and risk assessments that helped reduce ship strikes with marine mammals.

Keynote POL

Anita Mäkinen, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, FI

Dr. Anita Mäkinen is the Chief adviser for the Director General of Maritime Sector in the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In her position she is covering all shipping related environmental issues and the international and regional organizations wherein these are discussed. Dr. Mäkinen coordinates the Finnish positions for the IMO meetings concerning the protection of the environment from pollution from ships.

Keynote POL

Simon Ng, Director - Policy & Research of Business Environment Council, HK

Mr. Simon Ng is Director of Policy & Research of Business Environment Council, responsible for its policy advocacy and collaborative research on topics including climate change, air pollution and sustainability. Mr. Ng is known for his ground-breaking work on ship emissions inventory in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta in which his collaboration with the shipping industry led to the launch of the Fair Winds Charter.

Keynote ATM

Huan Liu, Tsinghua University, CHN

Dr. Liu researches on shipping emissions and the atmospheric impacts, with particularly in-depth understanding of East Asia. She has 5 ESI highly cited papers among over 50 publications, including one on Nat. Clim. Change.


Keynote EAM

Representative from the California Air Resources Board, U.S.A.


Keynote EAM

Per S. Daling, SINTEF, NO

Mr. Per S. Daling is a Senior Research Scientist and has 35 years of experience within oil spill pollution and countermeasures at sea under various environmental conditions (including Arctic and ice-covered water). He has comprehensive field experience both from experimental oil releases in open and ice-covered waters, and participated in response operations during real oil spills, (including the Macondo incident in 2010).


Keynote MARI

Irene Del Barrio Alvarellos, Water and Marine unit, EEA

Irene del Barrio is currently working in the European Environment Agency's Water and Marine group, where she is coordinating a project on "sustainable shipping and ports". She is also giving support to the European Commission in the reporting of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, as well as acting as marine and maritime data expert. Her background is on Environmental Sciences and she has worked as well in Spain in the implementation of different marine environment-related legislation, as well as participated in projects on maritime security and marine pollution response.


Keynote MARI

Thomas Folegot, Quiet-Oceans

Dr. Folegot has created and brought Quiet-Oceans from a technological innovation to the French leading company in the field underwater noise environmental services. His research, done with Quiet-Oceans' team and associated research organizations in Europe, mainly focus on underwater ambient noise and mapping techniques. This covers the physics of the noise, but also the sound produced by the marine fauna.


Updated: 2019-07-05

The conference is a joint event organised by the Interreg BSR CSHIPP platform, the Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), CHALMERS, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the BONUS secretariat.

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