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Jana Moldanová, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, BONUS SHEBA David Turner, University of Gothenburg, SOLAS Andris Andrusaitis, BONUS Secretariat



Shipping and Environment: Four Steps Forward

J. Corbett, University of Delaware, USA

Presentation available upon request. Please contact J. Corbett at:jcorbett(at)


From sky to sea: How atmospheric deposition influences marine microbial ecology and biogeochemistry Pdf, 2.4 MB, opens in new window.

K. Mackey, University of California Irvine, USA

Session 1: Atmospheric processes 

Invited speaker: Shipping Emission and Its Impact on the Ambient Air Quality in Shanghai Pdf, 2.1 MB, opens in new window.

Y. Shen, Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center, CN


Real-world emission factors of gaseous and particulate pollutants for marine fishing boats and estimate of their total emissions in China Pdf, 811.4 kB, opens in new window.

F. Zhang, Y. Chen, C. Tian, J. Li, G. Zhang, V. Matthias, Z. Xie


Emission factors of gases and particles from ships observed by remote measurements from fixed and airborne platforms Pdf, 1.9 MB, opens in new window.

J. Mellqvist, V. Conde and J. Becken


Lubricating Oil as a Major Constituent of Ship Exhaust Particles Pdf, 562 kB, opens in new window.

P. Eichler, M. Müller, C. Rohmann, B. Stengel, J. Orasche, R. Zimmermann and A. Wisthaler


Modelling of pleasure boat activities and emissions at the Baltic Sea Pdf, 776.7 kB, opens in new window.

L. Johansson, J.-P. Jalkanen, E. Fridell, I. Maljutenko, E. Ytreberg, K.M. Eriksson, E. Roth and V. Fischer


Shipping and Air Quality Impacts in East Asia Pdf, 3.6 MB, opens in new window.

H. Liu, X.X. Jin, M.L. Fu, F.Y. Deng, Q.Xiao, Y. Shang, Y.N. Zhang, H.Y. Man, Z.F. Lv and K.B. He


Session 2: Assessments of integrated effects on environment and climate

Invited speaker: Impact of maritime transport emissions on coastal air quality in Europe: assessment and mitigation strategies Pdf, 1.3 MB, opens in new window.



The impact of sulphur and nitrogen emissions from shipping on exceedances of critical loads in the Baltic Sea countries

S. Jutterström, F. Moldan, M. Karl and M. Posch

Presentation available upon request. Please contact S. Jutterström at:sara.jutterstrom(at)


Impact of Shipping Emissions on the Port and the City of Hamburg Pdf, 2.4 MB, opens in new window.

A. Beiersdorf, M. Lebmeier and A. Heitmann


Cost-benefit analysis of NOx control for ships in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea Pdf, 761.1 kB, opens in new window.

C. Ågren, K. Yaramenka, H. Winnes, S. Åström and E. Fridell


A Novel Approach to Holistic Environmental Assessment of Ships Pdf, 542.9 kB, opens in new window.

M. Gibson, A.J. Murphy and K. Pazouki


Session 3: Marine processes

Sooty ship: particle composition and impact on phytoplankton Pdf, 1.4 MB, opens in new window.

Z. Shi, C. Zhang, N. Davidson, H. Gao, J. Moldanova and Y. Chen


Bilge water emissions in the Baltic Sea Pdf, 699.5 kB, opens in new window.

K. Magnusson, J.-P. Jalkanen, L. Johansson, V. Smailys, P. Telemo, H. Winnes


Anthropogenic very short-lived halocarbons from ballast water treatment and their environmental impact Pdf, 588.6 kB, opens in new window.

J. Maas, S. Tegtmeier, A. Biastoch and B. Quack


Session 4: Noise

Invited speaker: Noise generation of commercial ships Pdf, 2.2 MB, opens in new window.

D. Wittekind, DW-ShipConsult GmbH, DE


Underwater Radiated Noise Measurements on a Chemical TankerMeasurements at Sea-Trials compared to Model-Scale Tests and CFD Pdf, 2.6 MB, opens in new window.

J. Hallander, D-Q. Li and T. Johansson


Behavioural responses of fish on underwater noise – experimental approaches Pdf, 1.2 MB, opens in new window.

H. Peltonen, T. Tikka, R. Puntila, J. Lilja and J. Pajala


Session 5: Socioeconomic aspects and policies

Invited speaker: Regional Approach on Marine Emissions Reduction in Pearl River Delta Region, China Pdf, 772.7 kB, opens in new window.

P. Louie, EPD Hong Kong, CN


NOX Abatement in the Baltic Sea – An Evaluation of Different Policy Instruments Pdf, 645.3 kB, opens in new window.

R. Parsmo, K. Yaramenka, H. Winnes and E. Fridell


SECA Regulation: Co-operation Alignment Strategies for Maritime Sector Pdf, 1.1 MB, opens in new window.

S. Atari, E.O. Olaniyi and G.K. Prause


Arctic Maritime Shipping: Marine Invasive Species Economics in the Artic Council Context Pdf, 609.6 kB, opens in new window.

L.M. Fernandez and B.A. Kaiser




AP02: Sulphur emission compliance monitoring of ships in German waters Pdf, 4.8 MB, opens in new window.

A. Weigelt, L. Kattner, B. Mathieu-Ueffing, A. Seyler, F. Wittrock, and S. Schmolke


AP05: Different regulations to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from ships and their effect on future air quality in the Baltic Sea region Pdf, 3.3 MB, opens in new window.

M. Karl, J. Bieser, B. Geyer, E. Fridell and V. Matthias


AP08: Population exposure to emissions from ships and from residential heating in the urban agglomeration of Gdansk-Gdynia Pdf, 2.7 MB, opens in new window.

M.O.P. Ramacher and M. Karl


AP09: The impact of emissions from ships in the Gothenburg area on urban scale air quality and human health Pdf, 2.6 MB, opens in new window.

M.O.P. Ramacher, J. Moldanova, L. Tang, and M. Karl 


MP05: Employing high resolution nitrogen deposition data from atmospheric chemistry transport model simulations in ecosystem model studies with HBM-ERGOM Pdf, 517.5 kB, opens in new window.

D. Neumann, T. Neumann and H. Radtke


Updated: 2017-12-12

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