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Book of abstracts Pdf, 7.6 MB, opens in new window.
Symposium on Scenarios and Policy Options for Sustainable Shipping (POL)
Keynotes POL
Simon K.W. Ng, Business Environment Council, HK
Ship Emissions Control Policymaking: Lessons from Hong Kong Pdf, 2.6 MB, opens in new window.
Oral session POL
The potential of ammonia as marine fuel – an initial assessment Pdf, 519.9 kB, opens in new window.
J. Hansson, S. Brynolf, E. Fridell and M. Lehtveer
J. Moldanová
Y. Zhang, F. Deng, H. Man, M. Fu, Z. Lv, Q. Xiao, X. Jin, S. Liu, K. He, and H. Liu
Emissions and abatement measures (EAM)
Keynotes EAM
Per S. Daling, SINTEF, NO
Johan Mellqvist / Alexander C. Barber
Chalmers University of Technology, SE / California Air Resource
Board, USA
Compliance monitoring in California and US Pdf, 229.2 kB, opens in new window.
Oral session EAM
J. Mellqvist, V. Conde and J. Beecken
Airborne Marpol Annex VI Monitoring in Belgium Pdf, 3.8 MB, opens in new window.
W. Van Roy
A. Weigelt, S. Griesel, J. H. Reißmann, L. Kattner, F. Wittrock, S. Schmolke
Remote Detection and Evaluation of Ship Emissions in Real-Time using Novel Particle Mass Spectrometry Techniques
J. Passig, J. Schade, R. Irsig, H. Czech, M. Sklorz, T. Streibel, R. Zimmermann
Available upon request: johannes.passig(at)
Development of a Mobile Environmental Sensory Unit Prototype Pdf, 2.3 MB, opens in new window.
V. E. Schneider, C. Delea, J. Oeffner
H. Bach, A. Bergek, Ø. Bjørgum, T. Hansen, A. Kenzhegaliyeva and M. Steen
Atmospheric processes (ATM)
Keynote ATM
Huan Liu, Tsinghua University, CN
Shipping and atmosphere in the Anthropocene
Available upon request: liu_env(at)
Oral session ATM
Y. Zhang, J. Feng, J. Zhao, W. Ma, C. Liu, H. Kan, A. P. Patton, K. Walker
J.E. Jonson, M. Gauss, J-P Jalkanen, L. Johansson, M. Schulz and H. Fagerli
A. Monteiro, M. Russo, C. Gama, C. Borrego
Microscale Ship Plume Dispersion Modeling for Harbor Areas Pdf, 1.4 MB, opens in new window.
R. Badeke, V. Matthias, D. Grawe and H. Schlünzen
S. Ausmeel, E. Ahlberg, E. Thomson, Å. M. Hallquist, A. Eriksson, A. Kristensson
S. van den Elshout, S. Willers and B. Wester
Marine Impacts (MARI)
Keynote MARI
Thomas Folegot, Quiet-Oceans, FR
Oral session MARI
K. Magnusson and H. Winnes
Evidence of ship induced vertical mixing in ship lanes
A. T. Nylund, I-M. Hassellöv, L. Arneborg, A. Tengberg, and U. Mallast
Available upon request: amanda.nylund(at)
The impact of nitrogen and sulphur emissions from shipping on exceedances of critical loads in the Baltic Sea region
S. Jutterström, F. Moldan, J. Moldanová, M. Karl, V. Matthias and M. Posch
Available upon request: sara.jutterstrom(at)
Poster session (POS)
A. Weigelt, S. Griesel, J.H. Reissmann, L. Kattner and S. Schmolke
D. A. Schwarzkopf, A. Aulinger, R. Petrik, V. Matthias
S. Griesel, A. Weigelt, J.H. Reissmann, L. Kattner, and S. Schmolke
POS-07: Detailed chemical investigation of bunker fuels Pdf, 1.2 MB, opens in new window.
U. Käfer, J. Passig, T. Gröger, M. R. Saraji-Bozorgzad, T. Wilharm, and R. Zimmermann
D.R. Oliveira, L. Larsson and L. Granhag
The conference is a joint event organised by the Interreg BSR CSHIPP platform, the Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), CHALMERS, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the BONUS secretariat.
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