Sessions and conveners

1. Atmospheric Processes

This session addresses observations and modelling of ship emissions to air and their impact upon the environment. Presentations are encouraged that address the direct and indirect effects of ships upon atmospheric gases and particle loading/composition as well as atmospheric deposition in the environment.


Tom Bell, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

email: tbe(at)

Volker Matthias, Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany

email: volker.matthias(at)


2. Assessments of integrated effects on the environment

Shipping influences the environment in many ways. This session focus on effects from shipping on the marine ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, human health, commercial activities and/or climate. Methods and integrated effects from more holistic assessments, and spatiotemporal distributions, are of interest. In addition, how these assessments can be used and linked to policy measures with environmental indicators are of relevance.


Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Swedish Institute for Marine Environment, Sweden

email: eva-lotta.sundblad(at)

Jana Moldanová, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden

email: janam(at)


3. Marine Processes

This session addresses the emissions of materials from ships to seawater, and the consequences for chemical and biological processes in the water column. This includes for example deposition of material from smokestack emissions; scrubber effluents; leaching from antifouling paints; and other direct discharges to the water column.



David Turner, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Eric Ytreberg, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

email: erik.ytreberg(at)


4. Noise

This session addresses observations and modelling of ship emissions of underwater noise, its propagation and impacts on marine life. Studies investigating surface noise from shipping and its impacts are also welcome.



Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland

email: Jukka-Pekka.Jalkanen(at)


5. Socioeconomic Aspects and Policies

Shipping activities creates employment and economic activities in a number of industries spanning from merchant shipping, fisheries, tourism cruises to recreational boating activities. Papers which explore both the formal economic and social impacts and the externalities on the environment (water, air, coastal land-use planning, health) of these activities are invited to present their findings.

Changing patterns of maritime activities also have trade-offs especially in the coastal zone, where investments in harbours and habitation patterns are influenced by competitive private and public economic decisions. Papers that can shed some light on the impact of these decisions are very welcome.



Eva Roth, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

email: er(at)


The sessions will consist of a number of oral presentations, 15 minutes each including discussion. 


6. Poster session on all above topics

The Poster session will cover all the topics of sessions 1-5. As an exception, submissions for topics not covered by the sessions above can be accepted. 



Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University, Sweden


Markus Quante, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany

email: markus.quante(at)

Updated: 2017-10-19

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